Cedyrn Canrif

Crefydd a Chymdeithas Yng Nghymru'r Ugeinfed Ganrif

Author(s) D. Densil Morgan

Language: Welsh

  • November 2001 · 288 pages ·216x138mm

  • · Paperback - 9780708317204

About The Book

A highly readable collection of seven essays portraying seven influentially significant figures in the fields of religion and society in Wales during the 20th century, namely D. Cynddelw Williams, Timothe Rees, Lewis Valentine, J. D. Daniel, Ivor Oswy Davies, Pennar Davies and R. Tudur Jones. 8 black-and-white photographs.

About the Author(s)

Author(s): D. Densil Morgan

D. Densil Morgan is Emeritus Professor of Theology at the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter.

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