Dwy Gymraes, Dwy Gymru

Hanes Bywyd a Gwaith Gwyneth Vaughan a Sara Maria Saunders

Author(s) Rosanne Reeves

Language: Welsh

Series: Gender Studies in Wales

  • June 2014 · 192 pages ·216x138mm

  • · Paperback - 9781783160617
  • · eBook - pdf - 9781783160624
  • · eBook - epub - 9781783161980

About The Book

This book breaks new ground in the history of Welsh women's literature, by tracking the life and work of the two forgotten women from the countryside who made their mark on their communities, their society and their nation through their campaigns and literature.


Cymwynas fawr y gyfrol hon yw tynnu ein sylw o’r newydd at ddwy o bendefigesau oes aur Ymneilltuaeth a Rhyddfrydiaeth Gymreig. Aeth y ddwy yn angof, bron, ond ar sail eu cyfraniad arloesol yn eu dydd a’u rhagoriaeth fel llenorion, maent yn sicr yn haeddu cael eu hailddarganfod heddiw.
Yr Athro E. Wyn James, Ysgol y Gymraeg, Prifysgol Caerdydd


Pennod Un: Cyfraniad Cymraes Anghofiedig y Bedwaredd Ganrif ar Bymtheg i'w Chenedl Pennod Dau: Annie Harriet Jones (Gwyneth Vaughan) - Athrylith Ardudwy Pennod Tri: Sara Maria Saunders - Merch y Methodistiaid Pennod Pedwar: Llenyddiaeth Gwyneth Vaughan Pennod Pump: Llenyddiaeth Sara Maria Saunders Pennod Chwech: Cymharu Llenyddiaeth Gwyneth Vaughan a Sara Maria Saunders Diweddglo

About the Author(s)

Author(s): Rosanne Reeves

Dr Roseanne Reeves is a translator and was one of the founders of Honno, the Welsh Women's Press, in 1987. This book is based on the author's research for a doctorate at the University of Glamorgan (now South Wales), which was completed in 2010 and supervised by Professor Jane Aaron.

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