Studia Celtica

Language: English and Welsh

Published annually in December

Print ISSN: 0081-6353 Online ISSN: 2058-5098

About the Journal

As a leading journal in the field of Celtic Studies and published annually by the University of Wales Press, Studia Celtica represents the highest quality research within language, literature, history and archaeology. It is an internationally refereed journal that includes articles, short notes and book reviews. Contributions are received from Celtic experts around the world – from the USA, Australia, Scotland, Ireland and France.



  • Institutions
  • Print only £58
  • Online only £58
  • Combined £106
  • Individuals
  • Print only £29
  • Online only £29
  • Combined £46


Island monasticism in Wales: towards an historical archaeology – JONATHAN M. WOODING

The ‘Siege of the Badonic Mountain’ – N. J. HIGHAM

Genealogia Brittonum: revisiting the textual tradition of the Historia Brittonum – KEITH J. FITZPATRICK- MATTHEWS

Carrying the cross in Annales Cambriae – K. DARK AND C. DARK

Three notes on the Gododdin – ALEXANDER FALILEYEV

Y seintiau a thraddodiad llenyddol: achos y canu i Wenfrewy – DAVID CALLANDER

‘Y Gogleddwynt a’r Haul’: early transcriptions of Welsh in Le Maître Phonétique – G. M. AWBERY

The recategorisation of the conjugated preposition a ‘of ’ as direct object and subject pronouns in Cornouaillais Breton – GARY D. MANCHEC- GERMAN



Lloyd- Morgan and Poppe (eds), Arthur in the Celtic Languages: The Arthurian Legend in Celtic Literatures and Traditions (Jenny Day)

Jones (ed.), Arthur in Early Welsh Poetry (Dafydd Johnston)

Callander, Dissonant Neighbours: Narrative Progress in Early Welsh and English Poetry (Nicolas Jacobs)

Moran (ed.), De Origine Scoticae Linguae (O’ Mulconry’s Glossary). An Early Irish Linguistic Tract, with a Related Glossary (Alderik H. Blom)

Sims- Williams, The Book of Llandaf as a Historical Source (David N. Parsons)



Professor Ann Parry Owen (Chief Editor), University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh & Celtic Studies

Dr Penny Dransart (Editor for Archaeology and Art), School of Social Science, University of Aberdeen

Dr Angharad Elias (Editor for Law), University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh & Celtic Studies

Professor Paul Russell (Editor for Language and Literature), Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic, University of Cambridge

Dr Ben Guy (Editor for Language and Literature), Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic, University of Cambridge

Dr Rebecca Thomas (Editor for History), School of History, Archaeology and Religion, Cardiff University

Dr David Callander (Reviews Editor), School of Welsh, Cardiff University


Articles to be considered for inclusion in future volumes should be submitted to Professor Ann Parry Owen (, Dr Penny Dransart (, Dr Angharad Elias (, Professor Paul Russell (, Dr Ben Guy (, or Dr Rebecca Thomas (

  • Articles are accepted in either Welsh or English.
  • Articles may focus on any historical period, based on research within the field of Celtic Studies.
  • Recommended word count is between eight to twelve thousand words. If you would like to submit a longer article, please contact the editors beforehand.
  • If your article includes imagery, permission must be obtained from the copyright holder to reproduce the image in print and electronic copies of Studia Celtica. Images should be supplied in high-resolution (ideally 300dpi).
  • For information on our Open Access policies, read our guidelines here.


All books and other material for review (marked ‘For review in Studia Celtica‘) should be sent to Dr David Callander, School of Welsh, Cardiff University, Colum Drive, Cardiff, CF10 3EU. Email:

Publication Ethics

To view a statement on our publication ethics, please click here.