Mid-October could only mean one thing: the Frankfurt Book Fair! Almost as old as the invention of moveable type, Frankfurter Buchmesse continues to be a highlight of all publishers’ calendars, and this year was no exception. From 14-18 October the University of Wales Press formed part of the Independent Publishers Guild (IPG) collective stand, alongside our friends from Edinburgh, Liverpool and Manchester University Presses. From the opportunity to catch up at the IPG stand party, to meetings with new customers from all over the world – including Pakistan, Turkey and Taiwan – our Frankfurt was fruitful in terms of fostering new relationships, as well as renewing old ones. Combined with a range of talks from industry leaders and exciting updates on technology, this Fair was as inspiring as ever, sending us back to our office full of new ideas. With exhibitors attending the Fair from over 100 different countries, and more than 200,000 visitors in total, Frankfurt remains an international hub for the publishing industry and the perfect opportunity for us to present Wales to the world.
